PhD & Early Career Program

(AC)³ will take a holistic approach in training and guiding of its early career scientist (students, PhDs, postdocs and future junior group leaders), in an in-depth interdisciplinary framework. The qualification and organizational concepts including the non-university environment of (AC)³ will be synchronized to ensure an internationally recognized education and degree. We will make use of the well-established structures (e.g., supervisory principles) of the involved graduate schools.

All PhD candidates participate in the training programs in the following local graduate school programs:

The Annual Scientific Conferences of (AC)³, the Topical Workshops and Scientific Colloquia organized within (AC)³ are regarded as part of the training of the doctoral and post–doctoral students. Guest researchers will take an active role in this regard. In addition, the participation in the planned observational campaigns will be of great educational value for the students. They are introduced to a scientific community far beyond their individual advisor and home institutions, thus establishing efficiently their professional networks at this important career stage.

Similar to the PhD students of the programme also for  young scientists (within their first 8 years of their professional career after completing the PhD) the TR 172 provides an excellent opportunity to increase their international profile and visibility, to establish long–lasting research cooperations, and to strengthen independent research and leadership skills.

PhD Council 2024

During the (AC)³ kick-off meeting in May 2024, the new PhD council (see above) was elected, who followed our previous council. We as a council are representing the concerns and ideas of the PhDs and are the student’s voice in the Scientific Steering Team (SST) meetings among the Professors, PLs and other senior researchers of (AC)³:

On general matters we are working as a team. You can contact your local rep at any time:

Of course, you can get in touch with us anytime if any problems arise during your PhD. We will treat your concerns confidentially. However, for serious issues, we initiated the implementation of an Ombudsperson within (AC)³ (further information).

We also organize virtual meetings (“Scientific-Kaffeekraenzchen” or virtual lunch breaks) or even scientific speed-dating.

With the support of Matthias Buschmann, we introduced a new calendar to the (AC)³-intranet (

Check out if there are any workshops or conferences which may be relevant for you. Let us know if you feel that something is missing.

Do you want to get more involved? We meet once a month via zoom to discuss ideas: What do we want to organize ourselves? What do we have to suggest to the Scientific Steering Team (SST)? All PhD students are very welcome to join our meetings or get in touch with us, whether it is with new ideas or simply out of curiosity about what we are up to 😉

(AC)³ PhD candidates in the second phase, GA Bad Honnef, May 2022
(AC)³ PhD candidates in the second phase, GA Bad Honnef, May 2022
(AC)³ PhD candidates in the first phase, GA Cologne November 2017
(AC)³ PhD candidates in the first phase, GA Cologne November 2017
(AC)³ PhD candidates in the first phase, Kick-off meeting in Nimbschen May 2016
(AC)³ PhD candidates in the first phase, Kick-off meeting in Nimbschen May 2016