C01: Effects of heterogeneous sea ice properties on radiative energy fluxes and its influence on Arctic amplification

PIs: Evi Jäkel, Marcel Nicolaus, Gunnar Spreen (former PIs: Manfred, Wendisch, Georg Heygster)

As a result of Arctic amplification, a shift from a multiyear to a first-year sea ice regime with reduced ice thickness and coverage is observed. This significantly alters the  radiative energy transfer in the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean system in the Arctic. These changes lead to an earlier melt onset and a later freeze-up, while their timing  and degree of change are poorly covered in climate model projections. Therefore, this project investigates the seasonal changes of solar irradiances (flux densities,  hereafter called fluxes) within and through the coupled compartments for different sea ice regimes. These ongoing investigations include the analysis of data from  autonomous drifting stations, airborne measurements, and satellite observations on regional, seasonal to decadal scales. The observed parameters focus on surface  properties and radiative fluxes.

The results from (AC)³ phase II show (i) that the transition of sea ice surface conditions from spring to summer is mostly event-driven  and not a gradual transition. Further, it was shown that the evolution of melt ponds determines the total (summer) heat deposition more than the timing of melt onset.  (ii) On larger scales, a strong spatial variability in melt pond fraction and albedo was observed due to a different ice topography, with an exceptional early melt pond  formation under highly deformed ice conditions. (iii) Shortcomings in a model surface albedo parameterization were identified, concerning a bias for optically thin clouds in spring and a poor representation of surface type fractions for the summer months. As a consequence, we estimated a bias in net irradiance of up to 80 W m−2  in summer and 40 W m−2 in spring/autumn.

In phase III we will consolidate the observations and analyses of phases I and II to a new quality of the synthesis towards  direct model improvements and contribution to Arctic amplification. The most relevant spatial and temporal scales describing the radiative fluxes in a heterogeneously  ice-covered ocean in models will be quantified. This relies on the upscaling of local observations from the MOSAiC and other expeditions to the airborne and Arctic-wide  satellite and model scales. Improved parameterizations of the surface albedo will be evaluated in a coupled regional atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model (HIRHAM- NAOSIM), whereas vertical radiative processes through the sea ice into the ocean will be analyzed together with the single-column sea ice model ICEPACK. In a next step,  we will implement the adjustments made in ICEPACK into the 3D ice-ocean model FESOM2-ICEPACK. This enables feedback studies between surface and  atmosphere on a pan-Arctic scale. Finally, refined simulations will allow conclusions on how regional and seasonal differences in surface and cloud properties affect  Arctic amplification, and how the amplification feeds back to surface conditions.


Changing sea ice properties and associated radiative fluxes enhance Arctic amplification.

To investigate this hypothesis, the following speciic questions will be answered:

  • What are the most relevant scales (time and space) that govern radiative fluxes in ice-covered oceans?
  • How well is the temporal evolution of sea-ice development and associated radiative energy fluxes represented in models?
  • How do regional and seasonal changes in sea-ice surface properties contribute to Arctic amplification?

C01 is actively involved in the refinement of model performance by providing new parameterizations to improve the description of the surface properties and their  evolution throughout the Arctic year. Further we analyze the trends of the spatio-temporal distribution of melt ponds and their relation to the surface albedo, and the  transmission of radiation into the ocean depending on different ice types. Thus, this project contributes to SQ1.

Achievements phase II

  • Improved retrieval methods for snow grain size (airborne application), albedo and melt pondfraction (Sentinel-2 and -3 satellite data) were developed. •
  • Comprehensive albedo scheme evaluation revealed: bias in the modeled albedo for optical thin clouds in spring, poor representation of the surface type fractions for summer months.
  • Sea ice surface topography not only influences maximum melt pond fraction but also melt pond evolution onset.
  • The transition of sea ice surface conditions from spring to summer is event-driven and the summer energy budget depends more on melt pond evolution than on melt onset dates.

Achievements phase I

In C01 the surface albedo parameterisation scheme of the coupled HIRHAM-NAOSIM model was validated and improved (Jäkel et al., 2019). The scheme needed an adaption with respect to the angular dependent illumination and snow property changes (threshold temperatures describing the transition between dry and melting snow/ice) (Jäkel et al., 2019). In addition, a new spectral-to-broadband
conversion for MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) satellite data was derived (Pohl et al., 2019). Several snow types have been implemented into the radiative transfer model SCIATRAN (http://www.iup.uni-bremen.de/sciatran/). It was shown, that the near-field effects in radiative transfer can be neglected, which means that common radiative transfer models, usually applied for atmosphere, can be used for snow layers (Pohl et al., 2020). It was also shown, that three dimensional solar radiative effects on radiative forcing need to be considered only for spatial scales of surface heterogeneity of less than 3 km. Also, a new 3D backward Monte Carlo radiative transfer model (LEIPSIC) was developed (Sun et al., 2020).

Role within (AC)³

Collabortion Matrix Phase III_C01


Dr. Gunnar Spreen

Principal Investigator

University of Bremen
Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
28359 Bremen


++49 (0) 421 218 62190



Patrizia Schoch


University of Leipzig
Leipzig Institute for Meteorology (LIM)
Stephanstr. 3
04103 Leipzig

Dr. Marcel Nicolaus

Principal Investigator

Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven


++49 (0) 471 4831 2905



Maximilian Ringel


University of Bremen
Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
28359 Bremen




Dr. Evelyn Jäkel

Principle Investigator

University of Leipzig
Leipzig Institute for Meteorology (LIM)
Stephanstr. 3
04103 Leipzig


++49 (0) 341 97 36658




Florian Zimmer


Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
Bussestraße 24
27570 Bremerhaven







Wendisch, M., Crewell, S., Ehrlich, A., Herber, A., Kirbus, B., Lüpkes, C., Mech, M., Abel, S. J., Akansu, E. F., Ament, F., Aubry, C., Becker, S., Borrmann, S., Bozem, H., Brückner, M., Clemen, H.-C., Dahlke, S., Dekoutsidis, G., Delanoë, J., De La Torre Castro, E., Dorff, H., Dupuy, R., Eppers, O., Ewald, F., George, G., Gorodetskaya, I. V., Grawe, S., Groß, S., Hartmann, J., Henning, S., Hirsch, L., Jäkel, E., Joppe, P., Jourdan, O., Jurányi, Z., Karalis, M., Kellermann, M., Klingebiel, M., Lonardi, M., Lucke, J., Luebke, A. E., Maahn, M., Maherndl, N., Maturilli, M., Mayer, B., Mayer, J., Mertes, S., Michaelis, J., Michalkov, M., Mioche, G., Moser, M., Müller, H., Neggers, R., Ori, D., Paul, D., Paulus, F. M., Pilz, C., Pithan, F., Pöhlker, M., Pörtge, V., Ringel, M., Risse, N., Roberts, G. C., Rosenburg, S., Röttenbacher, J., Rückert, J., Schäfer, M., Schaefer, J., Schemann, V., Schirmacher, I., Schmidt, J., Schmidt, S., Schneider, J., Schnitt, S., Schwarz, A., Siebert, H., Sodemann, H., Sperzel, T., Spreen, G., Stevens, B., Stratmann, F., Svensson, G., Tatzelt, C., Tuch, T., Vihma, T., Voigt, C., Volkmer, L., Walbröl, A., Weber, A., Wehner, B., Wetzel, B., Wirth, M., and Zinner, T., 2024: Overview: quasi-Lagrangian observations of Arctic air mass transformations – introduction and initial results of the HALO-(AC)³ aircraft campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8865–8892, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-24-8865-2024.

Niehaus, H., Istomina, L., Nicolaus, M., Tao, R., Malinka, A., Zege, E., and Spreen, G., 2024: Melt pond fractions on Arctic summer sea ice retrieved from Sentinel-3 satellite data with a constrained physical forward model, The Cryosphere, 18, 933–956, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-933-2024.

Rabe, B, Cox, CJ, Fang, Y-C, Goessling, H, Granskog, MA, Hoppmann, M, Hutchings, JK, Krumpen, T, Kuznetsov, I, Lei, R, Li, T, Maslowski, W, Nicolaus, M, Perovich, D, Persson, O, Regnery, J, Rigor, I, Shupe, MD, Sokolov, V, Spreen, G, Stanton, T, Watkins, DM, Blockley, E, Jakob Buenger, H, Cole, S, Fong, A, Haapala, J, Heuzé, C, Hoppe, CJM, Janout, M, Jutila, A, Katlein, C, Krishfield, R, Lin, L, Ludwig, V, Morgenstern, A, O’Brien, J, Zurita, AQ, Rackow, T, Riemann-Campe, K, Rohde, J, Shaw, W, Smolyanitsky, V, Solomon, A, Sperling, A, Tao, R, Toole, J, Tsamados, M, Zhu, J, Zuo, G, 2024. The MOSAiC Distributed Network: Observing the coupled Arctic system with multidisciplinary, coordinated platforms. Elem. Sci. Anth. 12(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2023.00103

Niehaus, H., 2024: Melt Ponds on Arctic Summer Sea Ice from Optical Satellite Data, Dissertation, Universität Bremen, https://media.suub.uni-bremen.de/handle/elib/8044

Tao, R., 2024: Spatial heterogeneity and seasonal evolution of surface properties and radiative fluxes of Arctic sea ice, Dissertation, Universität Bremen, https://media.suub.uni-bremen.de/handle/elib/8047

Foth, L., Dorn, W., Rinke, A., Jäkel, E., and Niehaus, H., 2024: On the importance to consider the cloud dependence in parameterizing the albedo of snow on sea ice, The Cryosphere, 18, 4053–4064, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-4053-2024.

Tao, R.; Nicolaus, M.; Katlein, C.; Anhaus, P.; Hoppmann, M.; Spreen, G.; Niehaus, H.; Jäkel, E.; Wendisch, M. & Haas, C., 2024: Seasonality of spectral radiative fluxes and optical properties of Arctic sea ice, Elem. Sci. Anth., 12(1), 00130. https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2023.00130

Jäkel, E., Becker, S., Sperzel, T. R., Niehaus, H., Spreen, G., Tao, R., Nicolaus, M., Dorn, W., Rinke, A., Brauchle, J., and Wendisch, M., 2024: Observations and modeling of areal surface albedo and surface types in the Arctic, The Cryosphere, 18, 1185–1205, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-1185-2024.


Wendisch, M., Stapf, J., Becker, S., Ehrlich, A., Jäkel, E., Klingebiel, M., Lüpkes, C., Schäfer, M., and Shupe, M. D., 2023: Effects of variable ice–ocean surface properties and air mass transformation on the Arctic radiative energy budget, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 9647–9667, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-9647-2023.

Sperzel, T.R., Jäkel, E., Pätzold, F. et al. Surface albedo measurements and surface type classification from helicopter-based observations during MOSAiC. Sci Data 10, 584 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02492-6

Rosenburg, S., Lange, C., Jäkel, E., Schäfer, M., Ehrlich, A., and Wendisch, M., 2023: Retrieval of snow layer and melt pond properties on Arctic sea ice from airborne imaging spectrometer observations, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 3915–3930, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-16-3915-2023.

Thielke, L.; Fuchs, N.; Spreen, G.; Tremblay, B.; Birnbaum, G.; Huntemann, M.; Hutter, N.; Itkin, P.; Jutila, A. & Webster, M. A., 2023: Preconditioning of summer melt ponds from winter sea ice surface temperature, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL101493, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101493

Niehaus, H.; Spreen, G.; Birnbaum, G.; Istomina, L.; Jäkel, E.; Linhardt, F.; Neckel, N.; Fuchs, N.; Nicolaus, M.; Sperzel, T.; Tao, R.; Webster, M. & Wright, N., 2023: Sea Ice Melt Pond Fraction Derived From Sentinel-2 Data: Along the MOSAiC Drift and Arctic-Wide, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL102102, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL102102

Kirbus, B.; Tiedeck, S.; Camplani, A.; Chylik, J.; Crewell, S.; Dahlke, S.; Ebell, K.; Gorodetskaya, I.; Griesche, H.; Handorf, D.; Höschel, I.; Lauer, M.; Neggers, R.; Rückert, J.; Shupe, M. D.; Spreen, G.; Walbröl, A.; Wendisch, M. & Rinke, A., 2023: Surface impacts and associated mechanisms of a moisture intrusion into the Arctic observed in mid-April 2020 during MOSAiC, Front. Earth Sci., 11, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1147848

Wendisch, M.; Brückner, M.; Crewell, S.; Ehrlich, A.; Notholt, J.; Lüpkes, C.; Macke, A.; Burrows, J. P.; Rinke, A.; Quaas, J.; Maturilli, M.; Schemann, V.; Shupe, M. D.; Akansu, E. F.; Barrientos-Velasco, C.; Bärfuss, K.; Blechschmidt, A.-M.; Block, K.; Bougoudis, I.; Bozem, H.; Böckmann, C.; Bracher, A.; Bresson, H.; Bretschneider, L.; Buschmann, M.; Chechin, D. G.; Chylik, J.; Dahlke, S.; Deneke, H.; Dethloff, K.; Donth, T.; Dorn, W.; Dupuy, R.; Ebell, K.; Egerer, U.; Engelmann, R.; Eppers, O.; Gerdes, R.; Gierens, R.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Gottschalk, M.; Griesche, H.; Gryanik, V. M.; Handorf, D.; Harm-Altstädter, B.; Hartmann, J.; Hartmann, M.; Heinold, B.; Herber, A.; Herrmann, H.; Heygster, G.; Höschel, I.; Hofmann, Z.; Hölemann, J.; Hünerbein, A.; Jafariserajehlou, S.; Jäkel, E.; Jacobi, C.; Janout, M.; Jansen, F.; Jourdan, O.; Jurányi, Z.; Kalesse-Los, H.; Kanzow, T.; Käthner, R.; Kliesch, L. L.; Klingebiel, M.; Knudsen, E. M.; Kovács, T.; Körtke, W.; Krampe, D.; Kretzschmar, J.; Kreyling, D.; Kulla, B.; Kunkel, D.; Lampert, A.; Lauer, M.; Lelli, L.; von Lerber, A.; Linke, O.; Löhnert, U.; Lonardi, M.; Losa, S. N.; Losch, M.; Maahn, M.; Mech, M.; Mei, L.; Mertes, S.; Metzner, E.; Mewes, D.; Michaelis, J.; Mioche, G.; Moser, M.; Nakoudi, K.; Neggers, R.; Neuber, R.; Nomokonova, T.; Oelker, J.; Papakonstantinou-Presvelou, I.; Pätzold, F.; Pefanis, V.; Pohl, C.; van Pinxteren, M.; Radovan, A.; Rhein, M.; Rex, M.; Richter, A.; Risse, N.; Ritter, C.; Rostosky, P.; Rozanov, V. V.; Donoso, E. R.; Saavedra-Garfias, P.; Salzmann, M.; Schacht, J.; Schäfer, M.; Schneider, J.; Schnierstein, N.; Seifert, P.; Seo, S.; Siebert, H.; Soppa, M. A.; Spreen, G.; Stachlewska, I. S.; Stapf, J.; Stratmann, F.; Tegen, I.; Viceto, C.; Voigt, C.; Vountas, M.; Walbröl, A.; Walter, M.; Wehner, B.; Wex, H.; Willmes, S.; Zanatta, M. & Zeppenfeld, S., 2023: Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms Determining Arctic Amplification: A Review of First Results and Prospects of the (AC)³ Project, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., American Meteorological Society, 104, E208–E242, https://doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-21-0218.1

Klingebiel, M., Ehrlich, A., Ruiz-Donoso, E., Risse, N., Schirmacher, I., Jäkel, E., Schäfer, M., Wolf, K., Mech, M., Moser, M., Voigt, C., and Wendisch, M., 2023: Variability and properties of liquid-dominated clouds over the ice-free and sea-ice-covered Arctic Ocean, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 15289–15304, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-15289-2023.


M. Mech, A. Ehrlich, A. Herber, C. Lüpkes, M. Wendisch, S. Becker, Y. Boose, D. Chechin, S. Crewell, R. Dupuy, C. Gourbeyre, J. Hartmann, E. Jäkel, O. Jourdan, L.-L. Kliesch, M. Klingebiel, B. S. Kulla, G. Mioche, M. Moser, N. Risse, E. Ruiz-Donoso, M. Schäfer, J. Stapf & C. Voigt, 2022, MOSAiC-ACA and AFLUX – Arctic airborne campaigns characterizing the exit area of MOSAiC. Sci Data 9, 790. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01900-7

Lu, J., Scarlat, R., Heygster, G., & Spreen, G., 2022. Reducing weather influences on an 89 GHz sea ice concentration algorithm in the Arctic using retrievals from an optimal estimation method. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 127, e2019JC015912. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JC015912

Shi, Q., Su, J., Spreen, G., & Yang, Q., 2022. An improved sea-ice velocity retrieval algorithm based on 89 GHz brightness temperature satellite data in the Fram Strait. Earth Space Sci., 9, e2021EA002170. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EA002170

Angelopoulos M, Damm E, Simões Pereira P, Abrahamsson K, Bauch D, Bowman J, Castellani G, Creamean J, Divine DV, Dumitrascu A, Fons SW, Granskog MA, Kolabutin N, Krumpen T, Marsay C,  Nicolaus M, Oggier M, Rinke A, Sachs T, Shimanchuk E, Stefels J, Stephens M, Ulfsbo A, Verdugo J, Wang L, Zhan L and Haas C, 2022, Deciphering the Properties of Different Arctic Ice Types During the Growth Phase of MOSAiC: Implications for Future Studies on Gas Pathways. Front. Earth Sci. 10:864523. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.864523

Shupe, M.D., M. Rex, B. Blomquist, P.O.G. Persson, J. Schmale, T. Uttal, D. Althausen, H. Angot, S. Archer, L. Bariteau, I. Beck, J. Bilberry, S. Bussi, C. Buck, M. Boyer, Z. Brasseur, I.M. Brooks, R. Calmer, J. Cassano, V. Castro, D. Chu, D. Costa, C.J. Cox, J. Creamean, S. Crewell, S. Dahlke, E. Damm, G. de Boer, H. Deckelmann, K. Dethloff, M. Dütsch, K. Ebell, A. Ehrlich, J. Ellis, R. Engelmann, A.A. Fong, M.M. Frey, M.R. Gallagher, L. Ganzeveld, R. Gradinger, J. Graeser, V. Greenamyer, H. Griesche, S. Griffiths, J. Hamilton, G. Heinemann, D. Helmig, A. Herber, C. Heuzé, J. Hofer, T. Houchens, D. Howard, J. Inoue, H.-W. Jacobi, R. Jaiser, T. Jokinen, O. Jourdan, G. Jozef, W. King, A. Kirchgaessner, M. Klingebiel, M. Krassovski, T. Krumpen, A. Lampert, W. Landing, T. Laurila, D. Lawrence, B. Loose, M. Lonardi, C. Lüpkes, M. Maahn, A. Macke, W. Maslowski, C. Marsay, M. Maturilli, M. Mech, S. Morris, M. Moser, M. Nicolaus, P. Ortega, J. Osborn, F. Pätzold, D.K. Perovich, T. Petäjä, C. Pilz, R. Pirazzini, K. Posman, H. Powers, K.A. Pratt, A. Preußer, L. Quéléver, M. Radenz, B. Rabe, A. Rinke, T. Sachs, A. Schulz, H. Siebert, T. Silva, A. Solomon, A. Sommerfeld, G. Spreen, M. Stephens, A. Stohl, G. Svensson, J. Uin, J. Viegas, C. Voigt, P. von der Gathen, B. Wehner, J.M. Welker, M. Wendisch, M. Werner, Z. Xie, F. Yue, 2022: Overview of the MOSAiC expedition – Atmosphere.  Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 10 (1): 00060, https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.00060.

Rabe, B., Heuzé, C.,Regnery, J., Aksenov, Y., Allerholt, J., Athanase, M., Bai, Y., Bauch, D., Basque, C., Baumann, T. M. Chen, D., Cole, S. T., Craw, L., Davies, A., Damm, E., Dethloff, K., Divine, D. V. Doglioni, F., Ebert, F., Fang, Y.-C., Fer, I., Fong, A. A., Gradinger, R., Granskog, M. A., Graupner, R., Haas, C., He, H., He, Y., Hoppmann, M., Janout, M., Kadko, D., Kanzow, T., Karam, S., Kawaguchi, Y., Koenig, Z., Kong, B., Krishfield, R. A., Krumpen, T., Kuhlmey, D., Kuznetsov, I., Lan, M., Lei, R., Li, T., Torres-Valdés, S., Lin, L., Lin, L., Liu, H., Liu, N., Loose, B., Ma, X., MacKay, R., Mallet, M., Mallett, R. D. C., Maslowski, W., Mertens, C., Mohrholz, V., Muilwijk, M., Nicolaus, M., O’Brien, J. K., Perovich, D., Ren, J., Rex, M., Ribeiro, N., Rinke, A., Schaffer, J., Schuffenhauer, I., Schulz, K., Shupe, M. D., Shaw, W., Sokolov, V., Sommerfeld, A., Spreen, G., Stanton, T., Stephens, M., Su, J., Sukhikh, N., Sundfjord, A., Thomisch, K., Tippenhauer, S., Toole, J. M., Vredenborg, M., Walter, M., Wang, H., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Wendisch, M., Zhao, J., Zhou, M., Zhu, J., 2022: Overview of the MOSAiC expedition – Physical oceanography. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 10 (1): 00062, https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.00062.


Nicolaus, M, Perovich, DK, Spreen, G, Granskog, MA, Albedyll, LV, Angelopoulos, M, Anhaus, P, Arndt, S, Belter, HJ, Bessonov, V, Birnbaum, G, Brauchle, J, Calmer, R, Cardellach, E, Cheng, B, Clemens-Sewall, D, Dadic, R, Damm, E, de Boer, G, Demir, O, Dethloff, K, Divine, DV, Fong, AA, Fons, S, Frey, MM, Fuchs, N, Gabarro´, C, Gerland, S, Goessling, HF, Gradinger, R, Haapala, J, Haas, C, Hamilton, J, Hannula, H-R, Hendricks, S, Herber, A, Heuze´ , C, Hoppmann, M, Høyland, KV, Huntemann, M, Hutchings, JK, Hwang, B, Itkin, P, Jacobi, H-W, Jaggi, M, Jutila, A, Kaleschke, L, Katlein, C, Kolabutin, N, Krampe, D, Kristensen, SS, Krumpen, T, Kurtz, N, Lampert, A, Lange, BA, Lei, R, Light, B, Linhardt, F, Liston, GE, Loose, B, Macfarlane, AR, Mahmud, M, Matero, IO, Maus, S, Morgenstern, A, Naderpour, R, Nandan,V, Niubom, A, Oggier, M, Oppelt, N, Pätzold, F, Perron, C, Petrovsky,T, Pirazzini, R, Polashenski, C, Rabe, B, Raphael, IA, Regnery, J, Rex, M, Ricker, R, Riemann-Campe, K, Rinke, A, Rohde, J, Salganik, E, Scharien, RK, Schiller, M, Schneebeli, M, Semmling, M, Shimanchuk, E, Shupe, MD, Smith, MM, Smolyanitsky,V, Sokolov,V, Stanton, T, Stroeve, J,Thielke, L,Timofeeva, A,Tonboe, RT,Tavri, A,Tsamados, M,Wagner, DN,Watkins, D,Webster, M,Wendisch, M. 2021. Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Snow and sea ice. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.000046

Jäkel, E.; Carlsen, T.; Ehrlich, A.; Wendisch, M.; Schäfer, M.; Rosenburg, S.; Nakoudi, K.; Zanatta, M.; Birnbaum, G.; Helm, V.; Herber, A.; Istomina, L.; Mei, L.; Rohde, A., 2021. Measurements and Modeling of Optical-Equivalent Snow Grain Sizes under Arctic Low-Sun Conditions. Remote Sens., 13, 4904. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13234904

Sun, B., M. Schäfer, A. Ehrlich, E. Jäkel, and M. Wendisch, 2021: Influence of atmospheric adjacency effect on top-of-atmosphere radiances and its correction in the retrieval of Lambertian surface reflectivity based on three-dimensional radiative transfer. Rem. Sens. Environment, 263, 112543, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2021.112543

Krumpen, T., von Albedyll, L., Goessling, H. F., Hendricks, S., Juhls, B., Spreen, G., Willmes, S., Belter, H. J., Dethloff, K., Haas, C., Kaleschke, L., Katlein, C., Tian-Kunze, X., Ricker, R., Rostosky, P., Rückert, J., Singha, S., and Sokolova, J., 2021: MOSAiC drift expedition from October 2019 to July 2020: sea ice conditions from space and comparison with previous years, Cryosphere, 15, 3897–3920, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-15-3897-2021.

Pohl, C., 2021: A study of Arctic sea-ice surface albedo and its uncertainty: impact varying insolation and instrument characteristics, Dissertation, Universität Bremen, http://dx.doi.org/10.26092/elib/1290

Mei, L., Rozanov, V., Jäkel, E., Cheng, X., Vountas, M., and Burrows, J. P., 2021: The retrieval of snow properties from SLSTR Sentinel-3 – Part 2: Results and validation, Cryosphere, 15, 2781–2802, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-15-2781-2021.

Mei, L., Rozanov, V., Pohl, C., Vountas, M., and Burrows, J. P., 2021: The retrieval of snow properties from SLSTR Sentinel-3 – Part 1: Method description and sensitivity study, Cryosphere, 15, 2757–2780, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-15-2757-2021.


Carlsen, T., Birnbaum, G., Ehrlich, A., Helm, V., Jäkel, E., Schäfer, M., and Wendisch, M., 2020: Parameterizing anisotropic reflectance of snow surfaces from airborne digital camera observations in Antarctica, Cryosphere, 14, 3959–3978, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-3959-2020.

Hartmann, M., Adachi, K., Eppers, O., Haas, C., Herber, A., Holzinger, R., Hünerbein, A., Jäkel, E., Jentzsch, C., van Pinxteren, M., Wex, H., and Stratmann, F. ,2020. Wintertime airborne measurements of ice nucleating particles in the high Arctic: a hint to a marine, biogenic source for Ice Nucleating Particles. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL087770. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL087770

Stapf, J., Ehrlich, A., Jäkel, E., Lüpkes, C., and Wendisch, M., 2020: Reassessment of shortwave surface cloud radiative forcing in the Arctic: consideration of surface-albedo–cloud interactions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 9895–9914, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-9895-2020.

Donth, T., Jäkel, E., Ehrlich, A., Heinold, B., Schacht, J., Herber, A., Zanatta, M., and Wendisch, M., 2020: Combining atmospheric and snow radiative transfer models to assess the solar radiative effects of black carbon in the Arctic, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 8139–8156, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-8139-2020.

Nakoudi, K.; Ritter, C.; Böckmann, C.; Kunkel, D.; Eppers, O.; Rozanov, V.; Mei, L.; Pefanis, V.; Jäkel, E.; Herber, A.; Maturilli, M.; Neuber, R. ,2020. Does the Intra-Arctic Modification of Long-Range Transported Aerosol Affect the Local Radiative Budget? (A Case Study). Remote Sens., 12, 2112, https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/13/2112.

C. Pohl, V. V. Rozanov, L. Mei, J. P. Burrows, G. Heygster, G. Spreen, 2020: Implementation of an ice crystal single-scattering propertydatabase in the radiative transfer model SCIATRAN, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107118

Ruiz-Donoso, E., Ehrlich, A., Schäfer, M., Jäkel, E., Schemann, V., Crewell, S., Mech, M., Kulla, B. S., Kliesch, L.-L., Neuber, R., and Wendisch, M., 2020: Small-scale structure of thermodynamic phase in Arctic mixed-phase clouds observed by airborne remote sensing during a cold air outbreak and a warm air advection event, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 5487–5511, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-5487-2020.

Pohl, C., L. Istomina, S. Tietsche, E. Jäkel, J. Stapf, G. Spreen, and G. Heygster, 2020: Broadband albedo of Arctic sea ice from MERIS optical data,  The Cryosphere, 165-182, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-165-2020

Duarte, P., Sundfjord, A., Meyer, A., Hudson, S. R., Spreen, G., & Smedsrud, L. H., 2020. Warm Atlantic water explains observed sea ice melt rates north of Svalbard. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 125, e2019JC015662. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JC015662

Pohl, C., V. Rozanov, M. Wendisch, G. Spreen, and G. Heygster, 2020: Impact of the near-field effects on radiative transfer simulations of the bidirectional reflectance factor and albedo of a densly packed snow layer, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 241, 106704, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.106704

Sun, B., E. Jäkel, M. Schäfer, and M. Wendisch, 2020: A Biased Sampling Approach to Accelerate Backward Monte Carlo Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulations and its Application to Arctic Heterogeneous Cloud and Surface Conditions, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, Volume 240, January 2020, 106690, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.106690


Ehrlich, A., M. Wendisch, C. Lüpkes, M. Buschmann, H. Bozem, D. Chechin, H.-C. Clemen, R. Dupuy, O. Eppers, J. Hartmann, A. Herber, E. Jäkel, E. Järvinen, O. Jourdan, U. Kästner, L.-L. Kliesch, F. Köllner, M. Mech, S. Mertes, R. Neuber, E. Ruiz-Donoso, M. Schnaiter, J. Schneider, J. Stapf, and M. Zanatta, 2019: A comprehensive in situ and remote sensing data set from the Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD) campaign, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-1853-2019

Seidel, J., 2019: Abhängigkeit der arktischen Oberflächenalbedo vom Meereisanteil, Bachelor Thesis, University of Leipzig

Jäkel, E.J. StapfM. WendischM. Nicolaus, W. Dorn, and A. Rinke, 2019: Validation of the sea ice surface albedo scheme of the regional climate model HIRHAM–NAOSIM using aircraft measurements during the ACLOUD/PASCAL campaigns, The Cryosphere13, 1695-1708, doi:10.5194/tc-13-1695-2019

Wendisch, M., A. Macke, A. Ehrlich, C. Lüpkes, M. Mech, D. Chechin, K. Dethloff, C. Barrientos, H. Bozem, M. Brückner, H.-C. Clemen, S. Crewell, T. Donth, R. Dupuy, C. Dusny, K. Ebell, U. Egerer, R. Engelmann, C. Engler, O. Eppers, M. Gehrmann, X. Gong, M. Gottschalk, C. Gourbeyre, H. Griesche, J. Hartmann, M. Hartmann, B. HeinoldA. Herber, H. Herrmann, G. Heygster, P. Hoor, S. Jafariserajehlou, E. Jäkel, E. Järvinen, O. Jourdan, U. Kästner, S. Kecorius, E.M. Knudsen, F. Köllner, J. Kretzschmar, L. Lelli, D. Leroy, M. Maturilli, L. Mei, S. Mertes, G. Mioche, R. Neuber, M. Nicolaus, T. Nomokonova, J. Notholt, M. Palm, M. van Pinxteren, J. Quaas, P. Richter, E. Ruiz-Donoso, M. Schäfer, K. Schmieder, M. Schnaiter, J. Schneider, A. Schwarzenböck, P. Seifert, M.D. Shupe, H. Siebert, G. Spreen, J. Stapf, F. Stratmann, T. Vogl, A. Welti, H. Wex, A. Wiedensohler, M. Zanatta, S. Zeppenfeld, 2019: The Arctic Cloud Puzzle: Using ACLOUD/PASCAL Multi-Platform Observations to Unravel the Role of Clouds and Aerosol Particles in Arctic Amplification, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100 (5), 841–871, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0072.1


Knudsen, E.M., B. Heinold, S. Dahlke, H. Bozem, S. Crewell, I. V. Gorodetskaya, G. Heygster, D. Kunkel, M. MaturilliM. Mech, C. Viceto, A. Rinke, H. Schmithüsen, A. Ehrlich, A. Macke, C. Lüpkes, M. Wendisch, 2018: Meteorological conditions during the ACLOUD/PASCAL field campaign near Svalbard in early summer 2017, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 17995-18022, doi:10.5194/acp-18-17995-2018

Pithan, F., G. Svensson, R. Caballero, D. Chechin, T.W. Cronin, A.M.L. Ekman, R. Neggers, M.D. Shupe, A. Solomon, M. Tjernström, and M. Wendisch, 2018: Role of air-mass transformations in exchange between the Arctic and mid-latitudes, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0234-1

Malinka, A., E. Zege, L. Istomina, G. HeygsterG. Spreen, D. Perovich, and C. Polashenski, 2018: Reflective properties of melt ponds on sea ice. The Cryosphere, doi:10.5194/tc-12-1921-2018

Project Poster

 Phase III Evaluation poster 2023


 Phase II Evaluation poster 2019


 Phase I Evaluation poster 2015
