IRTG Travel Grants Programme
Associated PhD researcher Gabriella Wallentin joined the (AC)³ PhD Alumni Day and the (AC)³ General Assembly in Leipzig
The main objectives for my attendance at the (AC)³ General Assembly was to share my expertise with the ICON microphysics applied to the Arctic environment and to get feedback on my current work. Presenting at the assembly was a very nice experience, I received some specific questions from non-modellers that indicate that I was able to convene information to people not used to the model, which was one of the objectives of mine. I believe the gap between modellers and experimentalists is too large and I would like for modellers to explain more about how the model works instead of simply showing results. Some more challenging questions were also posed and I am already looking into these for the implementation in the paper I am currently writing. After my talk the evening continued with discussions about the ICON model and the set-up limitations, as always, a very useful and informative discussion with some of the (AC)³ peers.
A list of all funded travel grants can be found on the IRTG page here.