6 – 8 November: Workshop “Arctic snow and sea ice properties and interaction with atmosphere”

Location: Bremerhaven, Glashaus, building F (Bussestraße 24)

Snow and sea ice albedo are essential to quantify the Arctic energy budget. Only small changes in surface albedo can trigger feedback mechanisms, which enhance the Arctic sea ice loss. However, the snow and sea ice albedo are influenced by a multitude of parameters, such as snow grain size, black carbon concentration, surface roughness, the presence of leads and melt ponds, snow and sea ice thickness and the presence of clouds. Therefore, the local optical and physical properties of snow and sea ice have to be well characterized. Especially, aerosol particles including black carbon may alter the snow optical properties but still raise scientific questions like: What are the most relevant sources of aerosol particles contribution to the reduction of snow albedo? How are aerosol particles transported into the Arctic and deposited to the surface? How aerosol particles interact with the cloudy atmosphere and are scavenged or modified along the transport path? These questions can be answered only by a collaborative effort of different types of measurements and modeling activities that together will capture the full picture of snow-atmosphere interactions.

Workshop agenda (continuously updated)

Further information on logistic can be found here.