(AC)³ data publication workflow


inf_pangaea_data The main repository for the (AC)³ research data is PANGAEA, Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science. All datasets related to the (AC)³ project can be viewed on http://data.ac3-tr.de
inf_data_publications_1 A collection of all data publications from the (AC)³ project has been compiled and published via zenodo
inf_ac3_cloud An internal data sharing server has been set up to share preliminary data before publication and advance information sharing within the project. The dedicated Nextcloud instance can be accessed from https://cloud.ac3-tr.de
inf_mattermost_server A Mattermost collaboration and chat server has been set up and is accessible to all project partners from https://mattermost.ac3-tr.de
inf_data_policy The (AC)³ data policy governs exchange of data within the project and publication of all research data. It is published via zenodo
jupyter_notebooks A collection of Jupyter notebooks highlighting several data sets has been created by project members. It is available on GitHub
inf_email_lists Access to (AC)³ email lists (mailman) at Uni Leipzig