Associate Member Heiko Bozem
Dr. Heiko Bozem
Research associate in the group “Airborne Measurements and UTLS Transport Processes”
email: johannes.schneider[at]
- Constituent transport into the high Arctic lower troposphere
- Polar Dome as a transport barrier
- Airborne measurements

Dr. Heiko Bozem (Universität Mainz) conducted in-situ trace gas measurements of CO, CO2, O3 and H2O during the ACLOUD field campaign in May-June 2017 and during PAMARCMIP in March-April 2018. This expertise was missing among the current PIs of (AC)³. Furthermore, kinematic back trajectories (LAGRANTO) and FLEXPART simulations where provided to the (AC)³ community for the field campaigns by Heiko Bozem. Based on these in-situ data and back trajectory simulations we characterised prevailing transport regimes and determined the polar dome boundary, which serves as a transport barrier for mid-latitude air masses traveling to the high Arctic. In phase II it is planned that Heiko Bozem will contribute with in-situ trace gas measurements as well as LAGRANTO and FLEXPART simulations for the two Polar 5 an Polar 6 airborne studies in the framework of MOSAiC. Main research questions focus on the analysis of transport pathways, the transport barrier of the polar dome, processes controlling the recent transport history of air masses during their travel into the inner Arctic, and remote pollution sources during different seasons.