Associate Member Astrid Lampert
Dr. Astrid Lampert
Head of work group “Airborne Meteorology and Measurement Techniques”
TU Braunschweig
Institute of Flight Guidance
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 27
38108 Brauanschweig
email: Astrid.Lampert[at]
- Airborne meteorological measurements (manned aircraft, Helipod, UAS)
- polar atmospheric boundary layer
- new particle formation
- wakes behind offshore wind parks
- 2010 – now: TU Braunschweig, Institute of Flight Guidance, Head of work group “Airborne Meteorology and Measurement Techniques”
- 2006 – 2010: PhD at University of Potsdam and Alfred Wegener Institute
- 2003 – 2005: Wintering at Neumayer Station, Antarctica
- 1998 – 2003: Diploma physics at Ludwigs-Maximillians-Universität Munich

Dr. Astrid Lampert (Universität Braunschweig) operated a quadrocopter system for air sampling and meteorological measurements during the Fram Strait Expedition to the 79°N glacier (PS109), and studied new particle formation with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) in Ny-Ålesund in 2018. During phase II, a close collaboration is planned in the framework of the MOSAiC project, where Astrid Lampert will participate with a helicopter-borne turbulence measurement platform. These activities will ill the gap of high–resolution small–scale atmospheric boundary layer investigations in the Arctic.