IRTG Travel Grants Programme
PhD researcher Nils Slättberg joined the EGU General Assembly 2023 in Vienna
With help from the (AC)³ IRTG Travel Grant, I went to the EGU General Assembly 2023 and presented some of my work there. The annual EGU meetings in Vienna are Europe’s largest geosciences events, featuring contributions from a wide range of disciplines and topics. Bringing together knowledge from different areas is close to my heart – and also to my PhD project, in which I investigate the atmospheric column in the North Atlantic Arctic in conjunction with oceanic, atmospheric and cryospheric variability.
Never having presented at a large conference before, I wanted to gain practice and confidence in briefly explaining my science to a larger audience. I also wanted to connect with other scientists and learn new things from discussing with them and hearing about their work. In doing so, I got new inspiration and ideas for my project and felt that I could put my topic into a wider perspective. In addition, I learned much during non-disciplinary sessions, discussing things like (the lack of) inclusion and diversity in science. Now that I’m back in the office, I can’t wait to go through my notes from the conference and try out some of the new ideas.
A list of all funded travel grants can be found on the IRTG page here.